Thursday, June 16, 2011

tiger woods pga tour 12 the masters collector

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  • claudia255
    09-14 08:30 AM
    Thank you IV for all your work.
    Here is a small contribution of $100 for the rally.
    Google Order #953612264434952

    Thank you guys!

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  • crazyghoda
    03-02 11:46 AM
    ... its just an acknowledgement of reality as it stands today.

    Of late I have started reading forums at R2ICLUB - R2ICLUB - Articles Front Page ( to get an idea of what it would take to go back to India. My last trip home was quite an eyeopener. Bombay has really improved a lot from what I saw last year and that much progress in a year was quite simply - amazing. I am guessing other metros in India (Delhi, B'lore, Hyd) are moving even faster since they dont have the typical politics that plagues Maharashtra.

    Am I going to pack my bags and move tomorrow? Definitely not. But I'll definitely throw feelers out and see what kind of position I can get back home.

    Good luck to all - whether you stay here or decide to go back or move to Canada or UK or EU or ....

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  • Edison99
    04-18 09:14 AM
    How long it takes to get 140 approved in regular process?

    Officially 15 days. But according track itt website , it is taking at the most 8 or 9 days.

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  • Tiger Woods PGA Tour 12: The

  • Desi Unlucky
    07-19 11:38 AM
    Google Order #618525716984962 - 100$

    Happy to be here and contribute. Will follow up with more.

    Interesting article in Business week this morning, not sure if this has been already posted here.


    tiger woods pga tour 12 the masters collector. Tiger Woods PGA Tour 12: The
  • Tiger Woods PGA Tour 12: The

  • pmat
    05-02 09:19 AM
    FYI... I got the stimulus check ($1200) direct deposited in my account today. I am on H1B and my wife is on H4; both of us have SSNs.

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  • obviously
    09-14 09:51 PM
    Please read my above post you might get an answer

    An EB3 ended up doing a part-time Masters in the US and then is eligible for a job that qualifies under EB2?

    Point is, let us stop playing permutation politics and focus on what matters most... but I guess it is hard to ask folks to forget their inborn / bred selfish nature and myopic world views...


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  • twinbrothers
    07-09 06:42 PM
    I live in Pasadena, CA. Email me at

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  • Raju
    07-06 01:55 PM
    Yeah but if the PDs are set as unavailable, what can they do about those cases anyway, as the priority date has to be current on the day of approval in the consulate.
    Furthermore, unlike with 485s they can't consular process 18K cases on a Sunday! It is not a centralised process for them to do that.

    I think they have to be current when they get an appointment or something like that. I am pretty sure that they accounted those 18k as CP numbers


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  • Tiger Woods PGA Tour 12: The

  • desi485
    12-02 05:45 PM
    My address that they had on file was also an old one, from 2 years ago. I have since moved, and done the online AR15 thing and received my EAD at the new address, so I'm not sure why/how the system showed the old address.
    Apologies for the long post, but I thought that my tale might help someone that is getting anxious over a similar situation.


    I am guessing that your EAD was driven by the address which you provided while applying for it. CIS may not confirm what's on file, when there is already an address mentioned in application itself.

    also, thankyou so much for sharing updates with rest of us. This may be useful to someone in similar situation in future.

    Best wishes for your trip abroad. :)

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  • frostrated
    08-12 01:10 PM
    Not true. Whatever they can outsource, its already gone. There are certain position where the clients demand onsite resource. I am not supporting this bill in anyway, I hate infy as much as I hate this bill. Remember these companies did not leave any stone unturned, milked the client every possible way and expoilted the employees to the maximum extent. In one another post - VLDRao was saying these companies does the tax filing on behalf the emoloyee, get the refund and again claim that tax in india using double taxation aoivdance treaty.

    My wife works in a company where a good number of IT folks are staffed by INFY. The poor quality of work made the company think about not extending INFY's contract. But then it came out in the open that there was no documentation on how the applications were built, etc. INFY got wind of this, and now they have positioned themselves in the organization where without them, this company's IT would collapse.

    There are many such stories of outsourcing firms that are holding client companies hostage. Though I do not agree with the bill, I think the bill brings back some ethics into play. Especially the L1 loophole.


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  • Tiger Woods PGA Tour 12: The

  • mirage
    08-04 11:59 AM
    I'm telling them my condition, and I know there are lot of people in the same boat. Again you need to talk to the lawyer about GC cost. Emplyee can bear all the GC related cost.
    EAD/AP 360*2 + 305*3(Spouse + son) is almost 2K.
    If your facts are different put that in writing and send it to them. Please stop telling me my facts. Also I have no idea why you are on this thread, please ignore this thread if it doesn't apply to you...

    I suggest you talk to your lawyer first. The cost of Labor and I-140 should be borne by the employer as they are employer's petitions.

    2K for EAD and AP this year alone! Let us see how many people on this forum has spend that much on EAD and AP. Paying high legal fees is NOT a basis to seek remedy.

    That was your choice.

    H1/H4 and Green Card processing are not related to each other. H1 is for current job and GC is for the future job.

    One hand, you are saying guessing and still insist that it is based on facts.

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    02-04 07:28 AM
    I got my labor approved from Philadelphai Backlog Center around Dec ' 2005. It was filed in March 2004 (RIR). If anyone needs more info mail me.



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  • gc_check
    01-10 11:58 AM
    It is good to see, more and more people (EB3 with older PD's ) switch to EB2 or higher, though the total percentage is small, it is still a significant help for EB3 (C & I). On average each EB Applicant consumes 2-3 Visas. One primary applicant switch means, at least 2 -3 visas freed in EB3 for this category. If qualified for EB2, this is a good move looking at the way EB3 dates are moving.

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  • DCQC
    07-12 07:00 PM
    San Diego County


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  • inskrish
    08-17 03:12 AM
    Looking at the recent approvals looks like USCIS does the following:

    1. Pick up x number of files using a random algorithm.
    2. Arrange these files in a random order using the same random algorithm
    followed in step 1.
    3. Randomly pick any file arranged in step 2.
    4. Toss a coin.
    5. On odd dates if it is heads,approve the file. On even dates if it is tails
    approve it.
    6. If file is not approved in step 5 put it on the shelf to be picked up
    in step 1 in next cycle.

    For Disclaimers: on step (1), x is also a random number, and the coin used on step (4) by USCIS may sometimes have neither tail nor head..:D

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  • gc_on_demand
    04-30 10:38 AM
    04/30/2008: Petitions & Applications Pending as of March 31, 2008 - USCIS


    Did they release this info because of hearing today ? Can we find out how many of EB out of those I 485 ?


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  • gapala
    09-10 10:55 AM
    :D I am with you. But [QUOTE=gaz;287130] These also coincide with the centers of tremendous progress and huge purchase power for people. Huge purchasing power of people in india? Please read analysis on page 4. Their PPP is just $3300. GDP is between $700 jump to $2500

    Smaller cities also have a hike in prices but nothing comparable. So the average Indian does not really get affected a lot. The average city dweller is either renting by paying a ton of money or is spending a ton of money for a house. Scary thing is either ways they are able to afford it. :D:D:D High rent and High living cost is the effect on average folks

    Makes the US salary seem meaningless in comparison(comparing quality of life here and not just money). I am not convinced about this. Actually infrastructure setup in US is way beyond what we can expect in India. That adds to quality of life to great extent.

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  • Tiger Woods PGA Tour 12: The

  • chanduv23
    03-03 04:45 PM
    Everyone feel like giving up but none of us give up :)

    True - it applies to everyone. The difference is, some people look at it as fate, some people try to do best out of it and some try to do something for betterment. IV and some serious IV members are of the third type whereas the reast of folks are first and second types :)

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  • The collectors edition however

  • qualified_trash
    01-03 08:02 PM

    Please stop bashing India or any country for that matter. Although I
    am waiting for a GC here in America, I always think India is a fabulous
    country. There are merits, de merits in every country. But it is people like you who always look at the negative side (according to you that is ) of India and think US has absolutely no negatives that create the wrong perception about India in peoples minds.

    Your negativity stems from your low self esteem and lack of self confidence.
    Blame your country/system for everything and try to find an escape elsewhere. If you are capable chances are you will succeed any where (Including in India) like many people have.....

    Thanks and I dont need your response.

    for all of you sharpening the knives to get truthinspector, let me start by saying that he/she has only mentioned their opinion and/or facts. they may not have been presented in a politically correct manner.

    truthinspector never mentioned that the US has NO NEGATIVES........... purely stated why India is still not and (I am not sure about the 500 years - seems like an arbitrary number) will not in the near future, be a developed country and presented his/her reasons for the hypothesis..........

    this forum is better served if you can show how and why truthinspector's list is incorrect instead of talking about self-confidence, self-esteem and all the other intangibles that you have no way of gauging without actually knowing truthinspector as a person.........

    you are the one indulging in personal attacks, while truthinspector is only stating opinion and/or facts....

    the truth always hurts. some more so than the others........

    07-11 11:59 AM

    My wife is on H4 and she has her H4 extension approval. But the local DMV says that they need to see a visa stamp in her passport to issue a DL. Its actually exchanging her out of state DL! Can anyone from NC (Raleigh, Cary, RTP, Durham etc) share their experiences please.

    12-11 11:14 AM
    There are so many who missed the July 07...

    we should try to seek temporary relief..allowing to file for 485 even without PD veing current.

    CIR will happen when it has to happen..maybe after the health bill ...but IV not doing anything else while waiting for it is sad....

    Second that! I hope something happens, is there any information as to when the pre-filing for I485 will be implemented.

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